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When there is little financial literacy and bank regulation within a population, the government is not completing the duties expected of them. Although they can vote on laws, Americans cannot call laws into action and monitor the upholding of said laws on a corporate level; this is a duty reserved for Governments to complete.

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However, during the Great Recession and unfortunately still now this is not a duty the government is upholding. Government varies from country to country, but in America, a democratic society, the Government represents the people (this adds another layer to the infringement of this justice). Not only is the government disregarding their duties to implement laws, they are also ignoring the voices and calls from the people for a change. The inaction fails to protect people who are in need of protections from predator banks. Rather than listening to the voice of the majority of its citizens, Congress listens to the money and offers from lobbyists, leading to no or worsening change.

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