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"Zero Sum Game"

-Carlos Coutinho

In the world of finance, if Americans have access to more money, then the banks have access to less.

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The Cycle

The regulation of banks is affected by three main things: loosening federal laws, which leads to banks discovering loopholes, and lastly new and innovative strategies bring created in the financial world.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

The CFPB was an organization created by Obama and Warren after the Great Recession to regulate the quality of financial products and services and to educate consumers to make good financial decisions. When a change in leadership occurred, the CFPB lost immense amounts of power, and now laws are eerily similar to those in the early 2000s. 

Why the change?


If Americans are more financially literate they will make better-informed decisions, lowering the profit of banks that prey on these Americans. American is a Capitalist system, which runs on lack of equity, if the playing field between banks and consumers is leveled, the economic system would no longer work.

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